Are adults still able to play like kids? to move like kids? to think like kids?
Well.. I personally think they should definitely try . I think an hour a day of free play would help everybody,even the busiest person in the world would benefit from it.
Let’s start with the definition of play. What is play?
Play is an activity engaged in for enjoyment and recreation, rather than any serious or practical purpose.
Play has been shown to release endorphins, improve brain functionality, and stimulate creativity. And it can even help to keep us young and feeling energetic. Studies show that play improves memory and stimulates the growth of the cerebral cortex.
So as we can see the benefit are so many , there is a lot to gain.
What are you waiting for? let’s have fun,take your kids and friends out and let’s play. Play soccer , basketball, jump around in a playground,dance … just move.
if you like to know more about it or you want to train with me please don’t esitate to contact me here.