Bride to be (clients results)
What an amazing achievement, a bride to be with a mum to be training together. Here is a video of them training together before the big day of the wedding.
What an amazing achievement, a bride to be with a mum to be training together. Here is a video of them training together before the big day of the wedding.
Amazing DEMO MOVEMENT CLASS with some amazing people in DAVIDLLOYD RIVERVIEW DUBLIN.This is my system of movement that I have created to help a WIDE RANGE of people that are looking to move better and feel better.This is FREEMOVEMENT. Watch the video below 👇
Are adults still able to play like kids? to move like kids? to think like kids? Well.. I personally think they should definitely try . I think an hour a day of free play would help everybody,even the busiest person in the world would benefit… Read More »CAN ADULTS STILL PLAY ?
-21 transitions. -10 animal locomotions.All together they make 31 movements. This is “freemovement’s system”,a method of training created by me that is now part of my martial art system ISCUDI . This method of training helps to maintain an healthy body, to improve agility,mobility and… Read More »FREE MOVEMENT (full programme video)
MOVING LIKE A GRASSHOPPER This set of pyrometric exercises (calisthenics movements) is great for improving power and stamina.We use this type of exercises with iscudi martial art.Follow us to learn more about it. Don’t forget to subscribe to our YouTube channel thanks
Joint stability
Agility is the ability to move your body quickly and easily, also to think quickly and clearly. It is not an easy task to accomplish because it requires considerable mental agility, but we can definitely train for it. When we are talking about self defence… Read More »â€śAGILITY TRAINING”
•1) keep jogging : Jogging is very important for maintaining or improve your heart health and immune system. It is also very useful for reducing insulin resistance, cope with stress and depression, and maintain flexibility as you age. It doesn’t have to be done high… Read More »3 things you must keep doing as you get older
Movement it’s the way to physically express yourself.It’s about understanding your body, learning how to move properly using the brain to activate and coordinate the muscles and limbs involved in the performance of a motor skill. This routine It’s a fusion between bodyweight training, mobility… Read More »MOBILITY ROUTINE