When we practice movement the aim is to make the movements flow together without big gaps or breaks between the sequences. When I’m moving I tend to alternate between closed movements and open movements.
-A closed movement includes all those positions that make your body look smaller/crunched/ deep position like squats, back/front rolls… etc.etc.
-An open movement includes all those positions that make your body look longer/stretched/extended like when you reach for something like a frog movement or a bridge, cartwheel…. etc etc.It’s like breathing really, it really makes the movement alive.
The closed movement helps to accumulate the energy IN, while the open movement release the power OUT. Those two transitions are very important to keep a good flow while moving, and to keep your body healthy.
I invite you to click on the link below to see one of Iscudi’s sequence.It’s a good example of what I mentioned above. THIS IS SEQUENCE NUMBER 10 ANIMAL MOVEMENT 👉🏼with English subtitles
It can be more helpful to compare a person’s mobility from one side to the other than it is to compare them to another person.
Mauro Sulcis