I’m a former Professional Italian Kick-Boxing Champion (full contact 2003).
I’m a personal trainer, a movement experts and a self defence coach.
I have experience in a wide range of disciplines including: Boxing,MMA,Taekwondo,Thai Boxing,Kickboxing ,Capoeira, Brasilian ju jutzu and Wing Chung as well as calisthenics and parkour.
In all those years of practice I have worked on putting together a mixed style of martial arts and movement training called ISCUDI.
With this blog I will try to explain how iscudi works and how it can help everyone to understand a bit more about gaining the necessary ability to stay aware of what is happening and what your options are at an exact moment.
I hope you will enjoy my blog.
being able to focus on the successful outcome of a situation is absolutely essential when we are dealing with self defence.
Mauro Sulcis